The Gospel this Sunday seems startling because the workers who showed up later in the day are paid the same wage as those who worked the entire day. But the point of the story is that our understanding of justice is not always in line with God’s justice. This should be no surprise to the reader of Sunday’s first reading: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord.”
In the Gospel about the laborers’ wages, those who arrived late are deserving of a good life just like those who worked all day long, and all are treated the same. Everyone is treated with dignity: that’s God’s justice. Christian discipleship requires stretching beyond conventional understanding to reach “God’s ways.” As we accompany one another on the journey of discipleship, we should encourage one another to “love God” and “love neighbor” the way God wants us to love. If we do that, we will help build communities that are founded in the Lord “who is just in all his ways.”
As we move into fall, read the bulletin and watch for ways that our parish family can act justly together. Have a blessed week!