Bereavement Ministry

40 Maple Street 40 Maple Street, New Canaan, United States

We would like to welcome you and keep you updated on the next 2 sessions of the New Day Bereavement Ministry at St. Aloysius. We will continue to use The New Day Journal: A Journey from Grief to Healing this year and will provide a copy if you don't already have one. We will be meeting at […]

Event Series Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic Adoration

St Aloysius - Church New Canaan, CT, United States

Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration begins immediately following the 7:00 a.m. Mass and will conclude with Benediction at 5:15 p.m. prior to Mass. (There is 3:00 pm recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed by the Rosary.) If you can spare 30 or 60 minutes to adore Our Lord, contact […]

Mark Schultz Benefit Concert for Malta House

Fairfield University Quick Center McInnes Road, Fairfield, CT, United States

Fairfield University Quick Center - Friday March 14 - 6:30 pm opening acts, Mark Schultz and his band 7pm-9pm Married Couples - Join Us for this Date Night Out! Several of us went last year and LOVED it! Purchase your own tickets, but please sign up so we know who is going! Last year, we […]

Stations of the Cross For Healing

St Aloysius - Church New Canaan, CT, United States

Join our Wellness Ministry as we pray, reflect and unite our sufferings to the Way of the Cross. All who are experiencing any type of chronic medical condition and caregivers are welcome. For more information, email Colette Gardner at

Blood Pressure Screening After All Masses – March 15th & 16th

St Aloysius - Church New Canaan, CT, United States

The St. A's Parish Nurse Ministry will be taking blood pressure screenings after all Masses in the Quiet Room in the back of the church. If you are a registered nurse and would like to help with this ministry please email: Kim McNamara at

Men’s Bible Study & Fellowship

40 Maple Street 40 Maple Street, New Canaan, United States

All Men are welcome, whether you have a degree in Scripture or you’ve never opened the Bible outside of Mass. In the Maple Street Dining Room of the Parish Center. Doors open at 7:30. Enter through the kitchen door off Maple Street. For more info. contact Bob Mantilia at 203-414-1500 or

Trinity Tea

Stapleton Hall 40 Maple Street, New Canaan, United States

The Emmaus Teens of St. Aloysius Invite You to Join Them for our Trinity Tea! An intergenerational gathering for our young at heart seniors and teens featuring a bountiful buffet of tea treats, music and fun fellowship! Caregivers welcome! R.S.V.P. Chris Otis at 203-652-1154 or at Wear Green If You Can!

Event Series Zoom Bible Study

Zoom Bible Study


We continue our reading of the Book of Psalms with Psalms 60-65, studying 5-6 psalms per week. Meetings are every Monday 10-11:30 A.M.. All are welcome Bible beginners to Bible […]

Youth Ministry – Teen Adoration

St Aloysius - Church New Canaan, CT, United States

SPECIAL LENTEN MESSAGE FROM OUR SPECIAL GUEST Fairfield Prep's Fr. Brendan Coffey SJ Tuesday, March18 at 7:30 pm Come BE in the presence of Jesus! NOT TO BE MISSED ... Parents Invited Praise & Worship Music The Sacrament of Reconciliation Please Click Here to sign up.

Connecticut March For Life

40 Maple Street 40 Maple Street, New Canaan, United States

9:00 a.m. Mass at St. Aloysius 10:00 a.m. Bus leaves from church to Hartford 12:00 p.m. Rally at the State Capitol 1:00 p.m. March for Life 4:00 p.m. Bus returns to St. Aloysius No cost for the bus - donations welcome Email with any questions. Please Click Here to register!

Our Lady’s Guild: Monthly Meeting

St Aloysius - Church New Canaan, CT, United States

St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Baby Shower: Always needed: Diapers of any size Guest Speaker: Father David Franklin 9:00 a.m. Mass followed by a Brunch in Stapleton Hall