Teen Adoration – Holy Hour
St Aloysius - Church New Canaan, CT, United StatesSacrament of Reconciliation - please arrive by 7:20 p.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation - please arrive by 7:20 p.m.
We would like to welcome you and keep you updated on the next 2 sessions of the New Day Bereavement Ministry at St. Aloysius. We will continue to use The New Day Journal: A Journey from Grief to Healing this year and will provide a copy if you don't already have one. We will be meeting at […]
Are you experiencing chronic or challenging health issues? Are you caring for a loved one with health challenges? You are invited to join our group for a time of prayerful encouragement and mutual support. Join Father Franklin as we explore the positive power of Scripture applied to health challenges. If you have any questions, please […]
Fridays from 7:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration begins immediately following the 7:00 a.m. Mass and will conclude with Benediction at 5:15 p.m. prior to Mass. (There is 3:00 pm recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy followed by the Rosary.) If you can spare 30 or 60 minutes to adore Our Lord, contact […]
Please join us for a prayer-led evening by Monsignor Rob along with Michelle Lavelle, a Stephen Minister Learn to Pray the Rosary (bring your own or one will be provided) Discover ways for the Rosary to become a greater part of life at home Light a special candle in honor of the extraordinary individual in […]
March 28-30, 2025 - Holy Family Retreat Center, West Hartford Jesus calls us to remain in love as the branches remain with the vine for life and sustenance. We know that Jesus prayed often and taught his disciples to do the same. Pope Francis has named this year a "Year of Prayer." Since prayer is […]
Our Lady’s Guild - Friday, February 14th - Valentine's Day! We have an impressive lineup this month! Our Headliner is: Deacon Bill Santulli, discussing Marian Apparitions and Our Lady of Guadalupe Monsignor Rob Kinnally will give a Parish update Christine Altier will discuss Our Lady of Fatima Statue World Tour Mass at 9 a.m. in […]
Did you know?? High Blood Pressure has no symptoms. Blood Pressure often increases with age. High Blood Pressure left untreated can increase the risk of Dementia. High Blood Pressure can lead to a stroke. High Blood Pressure can improve with Small Changes Blood Pressure Screening will be offered in the Quiet Room in the back […]
All Men are welcome, whether you have a degree in Scripture or you’ve never opened the Bible outside of Mass. In the Maple Street Dining Room of the Parish Center. Doors open at 7:30. Enter through the kitchen door off Maple Street. For more info. contact Bob Mantilia at 203-414-1500 or Robert.R.Mantilia@gmail.com
Are you or a loved one in need of healing? (mind, body and/or spirit?) All are welcome to join St. A’s Healing Rosary Prayer Group on Saturday mornings at 8:30 in the church. Questions? Please email Anne Cross: OurHealingRosary@gmail.com
Grades Pre-K to 6th There will be no Religious Education classes from February 16th through February 23rd. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 25th.
We continue our reading of the Book of Psalms with Psalms 60-65, studying 5-6 psalms per week. Meetings are every Monday 10-11:30 A.M.. All are welcome Bible beginners to Bible scholars. Just log in on Zoom using link before or phone in to 646-558-8656. Click here is the join the meeting (on computer or phone): […]