Just as a branch cannot bear fruit on its own
unless it remains on the vine,
so neither can you unless you remain in me.
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit,
because without me you can do nothing.
These words from Sunday’s Gospel remind us plainly that we must spend our entire life staying connected to Jesus who is the vine. Aside from the regular pruning that the Lord does, we should never cut ourselves off from being one with Jesus who gives us all that is life-giving. Clinging to Jesus the Vine means being in true relationship with Him and therefore in authentic relationship will all others who are the “branches.” In many ways, a parish is a portrait of Jesus as vine and parish family as branches. Loving Jesus by choosing Gospel living means that we take all that we need from the One who gives us true food. Relying on the vine means opting for authentic living and staying away from other sources that feed ego only.
In this season of Confirmation, First Holy Eucharist, weddings, and graduations, we see how important it is to heed Jesus’ words to “remain in me.” Confirmation is not graduation from the journey of faith; it’s an invitation to go out and bear fruit for the world that needs the energy of our young teens. First Holy Communion should be the beginning of receiving Jesus every Sunday for a lifetime, because “without me you can do nothing.” Marriage is an invitation to rely on the other (husband, wife, God) and live FOR the other so that the relationship will bear fruit. Graduation is an opportunity to look back on blessings and accomplishments with the desire to ask God “what’s next?”
Admitting that without God I can do nothing is not a sign of weakness, but a desire to do all things with Him who strengthens us! I hope you’re still experiencing Easter joy. Pray for one another, especially “branches” that are struggling on the vine.
God bless you!