It’s hard to believe that this coming Wednesday is Ash Wednesday! The season of Lent provides the opportunity to truly enter into the mystery of the Lord’s passion where we witness His great sacrificial love for us. In the suffering and dying of Jesus, we experience mercy, forgiveness, and a Savior who knows what it is like when we suffer.
Lent is a time when we traditionally “give up” something as a form of personal sacrifice to unite ourselves with the suffering of Christ. Let’s challenge one another this Lent to first pray about our how we will pray, fast, and give alms. Perhaps instead of “giving up” something like candy or dessert, we will extend mercy, offer forgiveness, or open our ears and hearts to someone who just wants us to listen.
As a family of faith walking the journey of Lent together, I pray that we will gather to learn how to pray, to fast in a most intentional way that leaves us feeling empty and desiring only God to fill in that emptiness. We can participate in the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, listen to inspiring speakers, and provide from our treasure what is needed for those who are struggling. Our Ashes to Easter booklet will be in church this weekend. Take a copy, read everything, and check off the events in which you will participate. Read the bulletin each week for more details about these events and others that we will be adding along the way.
Let’s come together this Lent and encounter the powerful and transforming love of Christ poured out for our sake!
Wishing you a blessed Lenten Season,