Young Adult Bible Study – Led by Danielle Mank
40 Maple Street 40 Maple Street, New Canaan, United StatesLed by Danielle Mank
Led by Danielle Mank
Led by Charlotte Engel
Sunday Readings & Palms 23 - led by Will Coupe
Todos son Bienvenidos! MISA EN ESPANOL SABADO EL 21 DE OCTUBRE A LAS 6:30 PM ST. ALOYSIUS CHURCH 21 CHERRY STEET NEW CANAAN, CT 06840 Para mas informacion ponganse en contacto con el Padre David
Trust in the Lord - led by Kevin Brunner
Join us for assorted games, fellowship and snacks!
Are you experiencing chronic or challenging health issues? Are you caring for a loved one with health challenges? You are invited to join our group for a time of prayerful encouragement and mutual support. Join Father David as we explore the positive power of Scripture applied to health challenges. If you have any questions please […]
Dear friends, We have the final dates and cost for the Young Adult Holy Land Pilgrimage. It will be from May 16 – May 30, 2024. We will be going with a group of young adults from Boston. The trip is open to those who are between the ages of 18-26. And the total cost […]