Respect Life

Mission Statement

The Respect Life Ministry provides St. Aloysius parishioners educational information to share the Church’s teachings on the dignity of all life and opportunities to support life through activities and events that affirm life from the moment of conception to natural death. 

We are Marching Again this Year!

Please Click Here to download this year’s flyer for the March!

2024 - CT March for Life

Please Click Here to see more photos 

March for Life 2023: Connecticut State Rep.
Trenee McGee full keynote | January 20th, 2023

March for Life 2023: Full speech of Jonathan Roumie,
plays Jesus in The Chosen | January 20, 2023

"I am Pro Life because... " videos submissions...

Father Rob…

Christine Wagner…

Charleen Batchelor…

Sally Carty…

 Sue Lione…

Jerry Lione…

Moira Cassidy…

Pregnant and Parenting Resources

Malta House promotes the dignity of God-given life by providing a nurturing home environment, support services, and independent living skills to pregnant and parenting mothers of all faiths and their children. Mothers at Malta House receive on-site counseling, financial education, and parental development followed by transitional and post-residential support. Malta House is the only transitional living program in the state of Connecticut where a mom can stay with her baby for long-term support and a “hand-up” as she journeys to independence and hope.

To see how you can help visit:

Hopeline provides free, confidential pregnancy resources including pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, recovery care, and healthy relationship education in Bridgeport, Stamford, and Danbury.

For more information call 203-540-5225 or visit their website at

Birthright provides free, confidential support including a 24/7 helpline with information and resources regarding pregnancy, childbirth, adoption, prenatal care, parenting skills and childcare.  For the Norwalk location contact 203-853-4872 or the Danbury location contact 203-744-3737. 

For the 24/7 Helpline call 1-800-550-4900 or visit their website at

Saint Joseph Parenting Center equips parents with education, tools and resources to change unhealthy parenting patterns and to foster healthy ones in an effort to decrease the incidence of child abuse and neglect.  Two locations are available, Stamford and Danbury. 

For more information, visit their website at

Walking with Moms in Need  is a nationwide, pastoral effort led by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to encourage increased outreach to pregnant and parenting mothers in need.  Pregnant and parenting moms in need are in our parishes and our neighborhoods. As Pope Francis reminds us, our parishes need to be “islands of mercy in the midst of the sea of indifference.” Everyone in the parish community should know where to refer a pregnant woman in need. Inspired by St. John Paul II’s to assess our efforts in building a culture of life, the intention of Walking with Moms in Need is to increase our outreach to pregnant and parenting women facing difficulties. 

Learn more at:

Questions?  Contact

Committee Information:
Please contact if you are interested in learning more about Life issues, joining our ministry, or participating in any of the activities.  We meet several times a year and on an “as needed” basis

Spiritual Director:  Father Rob Kinnally and Deacon BIll Santulli

Members:  Gina Barber, Charlene Batchelor, Sally Carty, Millie Casinelli, Moira Cassidy, Ann Cross,Maribel DiFiore, Rita Ferri, Caty Galgano, Tom Galgano, Ed Gayer, Joe Lane, Isabel Lane, Kevin Leitao, Sue Lione, Shannon Marciano, Michael McDonough, Chris Otis, Maggie Pierce, Christine Wagner, Judy Wren

Teens welcome!

Please Click Here to learn more

Msgr. Rob's Sanctity of Life Message:

TOTE BAG – Donation

To purchase contact

Msgr. Rob – Some Guidance on
the Moral Issues Regarding the COVID-19 Vaccines

Please Click Here to read his guidance.

Please Click Here to view a pdf with information on each vaccine

The Act is a new program that allows a parent to voluntarily give up custody of an infant age 30 days or younger, to the nursing staff of an emergency room. The parent will not be subject to arrest for abandonment.

Prayer Saves Lives


A Child’s Development from Fertilization to Birth

Are some people worth caring for and others are not?

For Those Suffering From Abortion:

Go to: for confidential, non-judgmental help and   information on how to heal from abortion.

Recommended websites:
Entering Canaan Ministry minsters to women, men, and siblings on their journey to healing from the pain, isolation, and silent suffering of abortion to the freedom of forgiveness, healing, and peace through Christ.

Recommended books:
A Journey to Healing Through Divine Mercy by Theresa Bonopartis:

The Jericho Plan: Breaking Down the Walls Which Prevent Post-Abortion Healing by Dave Reardon

For Anyone Especially Parents:

Talking to Your Young Children About Abortion by Catholic Answers:

Speaking to Children About Abortion by Father Frank Pavone:


See how you can reply to the most common pro-choice arguments you encounter every day at:

Live Action  A Leading Pro-Life and Human Rights Organization in America:

Click on the links below to learn more about the Church’s teachings on the dignity of all life.

USCCB –  Resources and Action Items pertaining to human life and the dignity of all persons.

Humanae Vitae Read about God’s design for love and marriage.

Donum Vitae Read about God’s plan for the origin of human life and the dignity of procreation.

40 Days for Life:  An internationally coordinated 40-day campaign that aims to end abortion locally through prayer and fasting, community outreach, and a peaceful all day vigil in front of abortion businesses.


March for Life:
St. Aloysius parishioners join with marchers from around the world at the annual March For Life in January in Washington DC, promote rosaries, meditations, and activities to mark the anniversary of the Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision.