Annual Troop Fundraisers – THANK YOU! (October to November 2024):
Cub Scout Pack 45 and Scouts BSA Troop 45 would like to thank all parishioners and New Canaanites who bought popcorn or spaghetti meal kits from our Scouts over the past two months. We are grateful for your kindness, generosity and support, especially those that gave us small cash donations which means a lot to us. With our spaghetti meal kit fundraiser we donated 30 kits to Breakthrough families, Malta House moms, Schoolhouse Apartment residents, the New Canaan Police Department, New Canaan Fire Department and our parish clergy.
Thank you all for your support and may God bless you. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season!
Scouting America Program at St. Aloysius:
Cub Scouts:
Cub Scout Family Pack 45 is open to K-5th grade boys AND girls
Cub Scout Pack 45 is: Building Character; Leaning Citizenship; Developing Personal Fitness; and Developing Leadership

The Pack meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the New Canaan Nature Center from 7-8pm. Interested boys and girls are welcome to join us anytime.

Pack website:
Pack adult leadership:
Danielle McKee, Committee Chair; Scott Roe, Cubmaster; Steve Prostor, Committee Member; Joe McKee, Secretary; Josephine Tso, Treasurer
Cub Scout Program Questions: Contact Scott Roe at
Scouts BSA (formerly Boy Scouts):
Scouts BSA Boy Troop 45 is open to 5th-12th grade boys
Scouts BSA Troop 45 is: Impactful Service; Inspired Leadership; Expert Scoutcraft; Unforgettable Fun

The Troop meets weekly on Tuesday nights at the New Canaan Nature Center from 7-8pm. Interested boys are welcome to join us anytime.
Troop website:

Troop youth leadership:
Jack Dalipi, Senior Patrol Leader; Kane Duggar, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader; Ben Chen, Scribe, Aidan Prostor, Troop Guide
Flaming Phoenix Patrol: Andrew McKee, Patrol Leader; Luke Riley (Eagle Scout), Assistant Patrol Leader
Dark Legion Patrol: Henry Oak, Patrol Leader; Ben Chen, Assistant Patrol Leader

Troop adult leadership:
Troop Committee: Bob Mantilia, Chartered Organization Representative; Steve Prostor, Committee Chair and Merit Badge Counselor (MBC); Alan Gerard, Committee Member; Josephine Tso, Treasurer; Michelle Riley, Advancement Chair and MBC; Susan Brown, Community Service Chair
Youth Facing Adult Leaders: Keith Duggar, Scoutmaster and MBC; Met Dalipi, Assistant Scoutmaster, Tom Dolan, Assistant Scoutmaster and MBC; Joe McKee, Assistant Scoutmaster and MBC; Kristin Dolan, MBC
Scouts BSA Program Questions: Contact Scoutmaster Keith Duggar at

Register a Scout:
BSA Youth Application:
BSA Adult Application:
BSA Consent and Health Form:
Email completed Cub Scout forms to Steve Prostor at
Email completed Scouts BSA forms to Steve Prostor at
Make a Donation:
Pack Square site:
Troop Square site:
Scouting Program Questions?
Please contact Steve Prostor (Scouting Program Coordinator) at: if you have any questions.
Other Scouting America Links:
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Saugatuck District:
Connecticut Yankee Council:
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Catholic Scouting Links
Catholic Scouting:
National Catholic Committee on Scouting: