Fridays from 7:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m. in the church (except June – September) in the chapel.
Eucharistic Adoration is a special time of visiting with Jesus outside of Mass. In our noisy world, Adoration enables one to discover the silent, loving presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. It is a time to talk to Jesus just like you talk to your best friend. Tell him what you have in your heart. A large host that has been consecrated at Mass is placed in a round glass case called a lunette (latin for moon) which is the center of a sacred vessel called the Monstrance (latin for “to show”) so all can see the Body of Christ.
Upon entering the chapel:
- Make the Sign of the Cross
- Genuflect or Bow down
- Choose a seat or kneel
- Stay as long as you like!
- Exit the chapel making the Sign of the Cross and again genuflect/bow toward the Blessed Sacrament
The Adoration chapel is furnished with spiritual aides, rosary guides, books of prayers, saint biographies, and novenas to use during your visit. It is entirely appropriate to simply sit or kneel in silent prayer and conversation with Jesus using nothing at all but your heart.
Teen adoration is held monthly See the Youth Ministry Page for details.
Rosary Groups
Interested in knowing more about the Rosary or coming to a Rosary group to learn or participate? Find out the many options we have to pray this wonderful prayer. Additionally, many people enjoy our chapel for prayer and adoration. Contact Anne Cross at ourhealingrosary@gmail.com or call 203-273-9369.