Teen Liturgical Ministries

Altar Servers: Thank you for your interest in being an altar server! Altar servers assist the priest during Saturday and Sunday masses.

Contact Fr. Flavian with any questions. FrFlavian@starcc.com or call 203-652-1152.

Teen Readers: Teen lectors proclaim the Word of God with understanding and clarity at the Sunday 5:00 Teen Mass.  Contact Chris Otis at 203-652-1154 or Youth@starcc.com.

StAY Sing ALong Sundays are for high school students.  On selected Sundays at the 5:00 p.m. Teen Mass, teen singers are invited to join our cantors and Praise & Worship Band.   Contact: Dr. John Michniewicz at 652-1180 or DrJohnM@starcc.com.

High school teens serve as ushers at the 5:00 p.m. Teen Mass. Mass Captains (teams of adults and teens), coordinate teens that serve as ushers and gift bearers. Contact Chris Otis, Youth Minister, at 203-652-1154 or Youth@starcc.com here to get involved in the many roles that are available to our teens at the Teen Mass.