Bowling with the Boys of the Covenant School

Nutmeg Lanes Fairfield 802 Villa Ave, Fairfield, United States

We will spend mentorship time with the boys of the Covenant School at Nutmeg Lanes, located at  802 Villa Ave, Fairfield! We will meet AT Nutmeg Lanes at 9:45 am, as the boys will arrive a little before 10am.  We will be finished at 1:30 am. This opportunity is for BOYS only and we ask […]

Bowling with the Boys of the Covenant School

Nutmeg Lanes Fairfield 802 Villa Ave, Fairfield, United States

We will spend mentorship time with the boys of the Covenant School at Nutmeg Lanes, located at  802 Villa Ave, Fairfield! We will meet AT Nutmeg Lanes at 9:45 am, as the boys will arrive a little before 10am.  We will be finished at 1:30 am. This opportunity is for BOYS only and we ask […]