Youth Ministry

Upcoming Events and Activities!

Please Click Here to sign up!


One of St. Augustine’s most famous quotes is, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you, O Lord.” These words often describe the spiritual angst that teenagers experience throughout their high school years. Every teen has the desire to belong. This weekend will help bring teens to life changing encounters with Jesus as they experience amazing speakers giving witness talks, praise and worship music, Adoration, high energy Masses, the sacrament of reconciliation, small group discussion, fellowship with other Catholic teens and MORE!

Between all the extracurricular commitments and academic obligations, it can seem nearly impossible to make faith a priority for teens. A Steubenville Conference often can give teens the spiritual boost they need.

Plus, our Steubenville trip team forms special bonds during the weekend and new friendships are formed when they return to St. A’s!

THE SCOOP: We leave on Friday, July 26 about 12 noon and travel by cars to Springfield, MA. We return Sunday, July 28 late afternoon. This year’s conference is being held at the Mass Mutual Center and we will be staying at Elms College. The cost to attend is $375 and includes conference registration, transportation via cars, lodging, a t-shirt and meals (Dinner Friday, Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Saturday, Continental Breakfast Sunday). Your teen will be supervised by our virtus adult chaperones. We have limited spots available and they are first, come, first serve. Questions? Reach out to Chris Otis at 203-652-1154 or via email at

Please Click Here to download the full brochure and Registration form.

StAY Connected to St. A's Youth Ministry on Facebook & Instagram! 

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StAY T-Shirts & Hoodies

Get your red StAY t-shirt for our Youth Ministry events.  They are in stock in the Youth Ministry office for $15. NEW THIS YEAR are our StAY Hoodies for $30!


Enjoy pictures of our teens putting their faith into action and like/follow our Youth Ministry Facebook page ( for current opportunities or reach out via email to Chris Otis at

You can also follow St. Aloysius Youth Ministry on Instagram at

Teens ... A little spiritual advice

Romans 12:1-2 calls us to daily transformation of our minds so we can know and live out God’s will for us. “I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship. Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect.”

Perhaps you will ask for God’s help to:
Come to Mass EVERY Sunday

  • Attend 5pm Teen Mass with contemporary praise & worship band music and a “student section”
  • Participate in monetary stewardship. Every Sunday bring cash to put into the basket … give up something for the week and give what you would have spent on it to GOD!

Consider attending Daily Mass once-a-week or even just once-a-month

Read the Bible — It’s God’s Word – Join us for Teen Bible Study

– Spend more time with God’s Word and how it applies to your life as a teen in 2022! Watch for our new dates for Guy’s Holy Hoops & Girl’s Bible Study.

Pray Daily – Just talk to God or try a Catholic Prayer App like Hallow at or in the app store!

Work on Overcoming What Tempts You – Develop habits that lead you closer to Christ

Join your peers in prayer, worship and service in Youth Ministry Watch for ways from our emails and by staying connected on social media.

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We have 789 followers — can we hit 1,000? Follow us on Instagram at We have 424 followers — can we hit 500?

Need a little “Lord, I Need You” pick me up?

Please Click Here 

Check out this great article that the Fairfield County Catholic wrote about our Teens!


at locating the signups under

Fr Flavian Needs SWAG!

Our Teens are Busy - Check out these Past Events!
2024 Graduation Mass!

Before School Teen Mass - April

Teen Adoration - April

April - Thorpe Zoo Trip!

Commissioning of Teen Readers