Saint Aloysius We Stand with Christ Campaign

Construction is in Full Swing!

Dear Parishioners and Friends of Saint Aloysius Parish

Saint Aloysius Parish is a Catholic family that has thrived in New Canaan for 125 years. We are united by our Baptism, emboldened by the Holy Spirit, and sanctified by Christ present in the Eucharist. As a community of believers, we are rooted in the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and we live out our discipleship in worship, prayer, and charity.

Our strength is from our past, for we stand on the shoulders of those faith-filled immigrants who founded Saint Aloysius. Our hope is in a bright future that we are already witnessing in the growth of our parish family and the expansion of our ministries. As we consider the demands of living truly faith-filled lives today in light of our aging campus and facilities, the time has come to provide what we need to ensure a future that is inviting and nurtures a life-giving experience of Christ and one another.

With the recommendation of our We Stand with Christ Campaign Executive Committee, I have the privilege of asking you to participate in our campaign in support of a reimagined parish campus. Our parish is much more than buildings and outdoor spaces; it is a life together in Christ and contributing to the campaign is a way for us to make an investment for the generations to come. It is an opportunity for all of us to become more closely united, and to recommit ourselves to our Catholic Faith and our presence as a vibrant Church here in New Canaan. It is another step to making our parish stronger by caring for what God has given us and giving back to God in gratitude.

Only by joining together in charity can we successfully achieve our campaign goals. I ask that you prayerfully consider your own commitment to this project. I pray that you will respond with a generous heart. Every gift makes a difference, and every prayer for God’s blessing on the campaign is essential. Thank you for your faithfulness and love. Together we shall build what God desires for Saint Aloysius Parish!

Faithfully Yours in Christ,

Rendering Overview

Please Support
Our Transformational Campaign

Week of May 12th:

  • This weekend Msgr. Rob will talk about the green space
  • Next weekend we will hear about Stapleton Hall
  • The steel is up on the Preschool/Education Center/Chapel! The green space area and Community Room/Youth Center area will be cleared and prepped for the next phase of construction
  • Work on the new rest rooms, music office, and vestry in the church should begin in a few weeks

Our pledge total is $20.5million which is $5.5million away from our goal. Thanks to all donors! Our participation rate is about 50% of active parish families. WE NEED YOU to help complete this project! Your sacrificial gift will enable us to provide everything planned for our bright future.

More information and ways to give here. Questions, please contact Msgr. Rob directly:

Capital Campaign – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Dear Friends,

Now that we have broken ground on our exciting parish project, I’m writing to bring you up to date on where we are with renovations, construction, and the last phase of fund-raising. The best way to present this update is in a “Frequently -Asked Questions (FAQ)” format that is informed by the questions I have received from donors, potential donors, and the community-at-large. So here we go!

When are the buildings coming down?

On Monday, July 17, the bulldozers started pulling down the school building. Each day the rubble will be carted away by large dump trucks.  The dust is kept at bay by hosing down the works areas regularly. The frequent rainstorms that we experienced in the first two weeks made it easy to keep the dust down!  The entire process will take at least a few weeks, and I can assure that we will keep things safe for our neighbors and those walking on Cherry Street and South Avenue.

Are we salvaging or re-purposing bricks and stone and anything else?

The bricks from the facade of the school and the stones will be crushed and used as fill on the site. We have salvaged a fair amount from inside the school and inside the Tudor House (30 Maple Street).  Some of the equipment will be used in Catholic Schools in the diocese, and various metal pipes have been salvaged. The cross on top of the building will come down and be preserved as will some other items that have special meaning.

What about the trees on the property?
Most of the trees that were planted in honor of or in memory of dear ones have been carefully removed, the roots protected, and they are being stored in a nursery.  Those trees will be re-planted at the conclusion of the project. Unfortunately, we had to take down the large maple tree that was in the courtyard of the school.  It had a very extensive root network that would have to be disturbed during the construction and preparation of the new greenspace; and the builders informed me that even if it could be preserved, there was no guarantee that it would be unharmed during the construction of the new building.  A new maple will be planted when construction is complete.

How much money do we actually need to raise to pay for it all?

The budget for a renovation and building project such as ours is large: $26 million dollars.  That’s a lot of money, but we truly need all of the refurbishing and building to take place if we are to accommodate our growing family of faith and create inviting, useful, and comfortable space to pray, worship, meet, and support one another in our journey as disciples of the Lord Jesus. We’ve raised $18.7 million, and we need $7.3 million to get to the $26 million. We should be proud of where we are in fundraising, but we need everyone to help us get to our goal.

Will the rise in the costs of materials and manufacturing delays that are in the news have an impact on our project?

We are still working with AP Construction on pricing, but so far, we have had reasonable bids from highly reputable vendors who are interested in our project.

Are we exploring value -engineering and other cost-saving measures to keep the cost reasonable?

Value  engineering is a systematic, organized approach to providing necessary functions in a project at the lowest cost. Value engineering promotes the substitution of materials and methods with less expensive alternatives, without sacrificing functionality. It is focused solely on the functions of various components and materials, rather than their physical attributes. We have already made some decisions about materials using value engineering principles. We will continue to do so. 

Will the buildings have green features that are environmentally friendly? 

Yes, indeed! We are incorporating solar and geothermal energy in all of all the new buildings, and we will even reap the benefits of state financial incentives that will keep the costs of installing these features quite low.

Once the buildings are up, will they be financially self-sustaining?

The opportunity for rental of the large Community Room will assist us with the expenses of maintaining the new Family and Youth Center.  The tuition and fees of the preschool and occasional rental of the gymnasium will support that new facility. Additionally, the buildings will be considerably more energy efficient than the current structures.

Since Saint Aloysius School is closed, why do we need a building of the size proposed?

The building will accommodate 900-plus religious education students who will fill the classrooms throughout the afternoon (and a few evenings) four or five days a week.  In addition, parish meetings will be held in the daytime and evening. With thirty active ministries in the parish, we need all the space we can get!

What is the plan for Religious Education going forward? Will we ever go back to weekday classes again?

If the construction schedule proceeds as we hope, we will have just one more year at South School, then we are back to the parish campus. Let me interject here a sincere thanks to our parents and teachers for your patience and cooperation last year.  I am grateful for your understanding as we shifted from the parish to South School, and I’m confident that we will have another great year of religious ed as we look forward to a brand-new facility that includes a chapel. As we move forward, look this year for innovative programs that incorporate music into learning about our faith, the addition of preschool classes for four-year-old’s (we added kindergarten last year), and special needs resources at every level.

What’s the plan for Preschool?

The school will be Catholic and will definitely be available for three- and four-year-old’s. The building plans reflect the state requirements for preschools, and safety is a priority.  We engaged a school safety expert from the very beginning of our planning. Although we are well aware of the need for early education in our town, we will engage an educational consulting firm that specializes in early education to create a feasibility study so that we make sound educational and financial decisions about the Saint Aloysius Catholic Preschool.  Among the needs we will assess is that of a two-year -old’s program. When you get the questionnaire about the school, please respond as quickly as possible so we can finalize our plans!

Is there a chance that Saint Aloysius School (up to grade 8) will come back?

We will begin with a preschool and see what God has in store for us.

If we already have a church and a chapel, why do we need another chapel?

The new chapel will be a part of the new school and meeting facility. We have grown so much that it has become necessary to have liturgies and sacraments simultaneously.  For example, prior to 2019, the annual average number of baptisms at St. Aloysius was 70.  For the past few years, we have been averaging 135 baptisms per year.  It is getting very difficult to schedule baptisms on our busy Saturdays and Sundays.  If we had the opportunity to schedule two baptisms at a time – one in the church and the other in the new chapel – we could accommodate everyone’s schedule.  The same would be true when the church is booked for a wedding and a family is requesting a baptism on the same day.  Both could take place without worry.  Remember that the chapel we have in the church now cannot accommodate an event while there is something going on in the church because the sound carries easily through the glass wall that divides the two rooms.  The placement of the chapel in a religious ed and meeting facility encourages visits to the Blessed Sacrament and very reverent prayer before and after a meeting or a class. The chapel would also be a wonderful place for Eucharistic Adoration to take place without worrying about interruption from another event taking place in the church.

What exactly is the plan for renovations in the existing church?

Every pew will be removed to a workshop where they will be sanded, repaired, and refinished. In addition, the kneelers will be reupholstered, and the kneeler mechanism will be adjusted to avoid the loud sound when the kneelers are pulled down. The refurbishing of pews is underway and will be completed in September. We will remove pews in groups and replace them as quickly as possible.  There will always be ample seating during the work.  We will also create a comfortable and safe place for those in wheelchairs. While the pew work is going on we will replace the linoleum floor under the pews and the carpet in the aisles.

The restrooms will be renovated and expanded so that we can reduce the long lines before and after weddings, funerals, and other big events. The quiet room near the restrooms will be renovated and will also serve as a nice space for a bride to get prepared before coming down the aisle. The other quiet room will become a vestry for the clergy.  The current sacristy (near the sanctuary) is very small.  That sacristy will still be in use (for the vessels, linens, candles, etc.), but the priests and deacons will vest in the renovated space adjacent to the narthex.

The Confessionals in the chapel will be renovated to create a more open, better lit, and ventilated space that allows for face-to-face and anonymous confessions.

The lighting in the church will be upgraded and every lamp will be replaced with brighter and more efficient LED bulbs.

A new sound system will be installed in the church and chapel and it will have the capability of outdoor amplification as well.  The system will have a feature that will enable us to adjust the amplification depending on the attendance at Mass.  We are also looking into a system that will make it easier for those with hearing impairment to tune in directly.

A completely new heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system should be in place before the winter.  We are still experiencing equipment and parts delays on that.  The new, smaller, and efficient boiler has been installed; we are just waiting on more parts for the air conditioning and the finishing touch parts for the heat.

We have already replaced the carillon (the tower bells). It is a digital system that replicates the sounds of church and cathedral bells and chimes throughout Europe. I can actually control it from my smartphone.

Will the renovations in the church interfere with regular worship, weddings, baptisms, or funerals?

Life in the church should go on as normal.  We believe that we can accomplish most tasks so that they will not affect scheduled events. Occasionally we may have to move daily Mass to the chapel or Stapleton Hall, but we will give notice and place adequate signage if a temporary move becomes necessary.

How will the Family and Youth Center be utilized?

The first floor of that building will be a large Community Room with capacity for 300, and about 200 for a seated dinner.  It will be a spacious open space that is perfect for a reception after a baptism, the luncheon following a funeral, and even a wedding.  We plan to make the room available to parishioners for family events for a modest fee.  The kitchen facilities will be perfect for caterers. In addition to a good-sized prep area, the kitchen will have warming ovens, refrigerators, and ice-maker, and dishwashers.  Adjacent to the kitchen area will be a café that will be open from 7am to 7pm most days and will be perfect for getting together for coffee and light fare throughout the day.  The Community Center will have a large outdoor patio as well.

The second floor of the Community Center will be a Youth Suite with a large open floor plan that will also have a few smaller spaces and an office for an adult supervisor.  Our vision for this building is for pre-teens and teens to gather after school to do homework, talk, pray, cook a simple meal together.

Is it true that the Knights of Columbus are going to have Stapleton Hall renovated and utilize it for their meetings and events?

Yes, Stapleton Hall will be renovated and will accommodate Knights of Columbus activities including meetings and fellowship.  Like most rooms on the campus, Stapleton will be available to the entire community.

What’s the green space going to look like?

The large open space that will rest between the church and the education and meeting building will resemble a small park with plenty of places to sit, pray, chat, and play.  We are including a pollinator garden and other environmentally friendly features as well.  The plantings will all be native species.

If I want to contribute to the project, what’s the best way to do that?

There are many ways to give, so it’s up to you. A check to “Saint Aloysius We Stand with Christ,” a credit card, stocks (we will help you with the transfer), Donor Advised Funds, and more.  Don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly about donor options and I’ll direct you to the right person. My email is  I’ve attached a donor pledge form for your convenience.

Are there any naming opportunities left, and if so, how much must I contribute?

There are opportunities left and giving amounts vary. Please contact us so we can guide you.

What if I have more questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with ANY questions. I will answer them or direct them to someone who can. Here’s my contact info:


Direct Phone Line: 203-652-1150

If you would like to talk to someone  who has already pledged in order to learn why they made the decision to support our exciting project, please reach out to any of our committee members listed below.  There’s probably someone you know.  If not, reach out to the main office: 203-966-0020 and we will connect you with someone right away.

Campaign Executive Committee
Honorary Chairs:       Kathy and Leo Karl, Jr.
Monsignor William Scheyd

Tom and Christine Ayoub
Rob and Meghan Cioffi
Bill and Marybeth Fessler
John and Shannon Goetz
Christine Hussey
Steve and Elena Schlegel
Mike and Nancy Shullman
Joe and Carrie Sindelar
Bruce and Laura Wilson
Nick and Carroll Yanicelli

Dawn Handwerker, Rutuolo and Associates
Steve Michalek, Rutuolo and Associates

Allison McCarthy

Campaign Final Phase Committee
Tim Butler
Paul and Niamh Cronin
Holly Doherty-Lemoine
Bill and Mary Beth Fessler
Joe Gallagher (Diocese of Bridgeport)
Shannon Goetz
Bob Mantilia
Chuck and Suzanne Nardi
Joe and Carrie Sindelar
Elena Schlegel
Nick Yanicelli

Building Committee
Jake Granito
James Johnson
Guy Mazzola
Christine Otis
Brooke Santulli
Anthony Sillo
Joe Sisca

Thanks for your interest in our future as a parish family. I’m honored that we are building together!

Yours in Christ,

Msgr. Rob Kinnall