On this Good Shepherd Sunday, the Church asks us to be attentive to the call to priesthood, religious life, and the diaconate. “World Day of Prayer for Vocations” is an invitation to ask the Lord of the harvest to send more workers into the vineyard – more disciples who live entirely in the service of the Gospel.
I was privileged to serve as director of vocations of our diocese and rectory of our college seminary for several years. In my time working with our seminarians, I was humbled by their generous response to God’s call to priesthood and their courage in choosing to do something countercultural – spending their lives caring for souls. Priests, brothers, sisters, and deacons, make the promise to spend their time doing what Christ asks them to do for the sake of the Kingdom of God. We pour ourselves into the daily work of caring for our parishioners, students, patients, the poor, troubled, and all who are searching for God. We do it with a deep trust in God who gives us what we need to serve and love without condition.
Many of you will remember John Imbimbo, a seminarian for the Diocese of Bridgeport, who was with us last summer. John’s presence among us gave great hope about the future of priestly ministry in our diocese. But his commitment and the sacrifices he makes to answer God’s call are also a challenge for others – perhaps some from our own parish family – to remain open to God’s call to full-time ministry in the Church. Parents, please encourage your children to pray about becoming a priest, brother, sister, or deacon. The Church is grappling with a declining number of people in the ranks of ordained and consecrated life. However, I want to be clear about something: there is no vocation crisis – God always calls; there is a “saying yes” crisis. We have to pray intentionally that those called will say “yes,” and we have to pray daily for those who are giving their lives for God’s people.
All of you make my priesthood a life-giving joy. Thank you for your prayers for me, for Father Bob, Father Franklin, Father Flavian, Father Tim, Deacon Bill, and Michael Crane and Michael Baber – our parishioners who are candidates for the permanent diaconate.
May the Good Shepherd enfold you in His love always.
P.S. Seminarian John Imbimbo will join us again this summer! He will arrive May 18.